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Wednesday 13 March 2013


All you need to get en pointe, stay en pointe and be the very best dancer you can be!

“The Perfect Pointe Book” is a fantastic resource for dancers of all ages. It is designed to guide you through all of the stages required for pointe work, to make sure you have a safe and fun progression onto pointe!
This invaluable resource was written by a Physiotherapist (Physical Therapist) with over 10 years of experience in treating dancers and preparing them for pointe work. It is designed to combine classical technique training with physiotherapy techniques to fine tune and accellerate your preparation for pointe work!, this book is worth its weight in gold! The book, available in a downloadable e-book (or hard copy upgrade) and accompanying MP4 video files teach you:
The program then guides you through four special exercise programs designed to really target those areas and improve your technique and strength as quickly as possible!
And because all of the tests and exercises now recorded on video, you can watch videos of girls just like you going through all of the exercises and test so that you can see it in real life! (Over 2 hours of Video footage is included!)

Hi Guys!
If you are anything like me when I was starting pointe work, you will be dying to know how to get strong enough to go en pointe quickly, and are always on the lookout for any tips that will help make your dancing spectacular!
Well, you have found the perfect solution!
After over 10 years of working intensively with dancers as a therapist and constantly seeing the same weaknesses resulting in the same problems en pointe, I simply had to find a way to teach students how to get it right from the beginning. The problem is, if you start off with bad technique, it is VERY hard to UNLEARN this later on.
It doesn’t matter if you just do ballet for fun or if you plan on becoming a professional ballerina, this book is an essential part of your ballet bag. Whether you are just beginning pointe, or have been en pointe for years, you will learn so much about your body and how it should work by going through this process. With this book you get to learn what muscles do what, why some people find it easier than others, how to improve your turnout and how to get a great looking pointe!
I wanted to make learning about the body as fun, and as easy, as possible. All of the exercises have lots of photos so that you can see exactly how to do them, and now the videos show everything in even more detail!
The 141 page book or e-book has four stages that look at; the flexibility of your feet and ankles; the strength of all the little muscles in your feet; your turnout muscles; and your core strength and balance.You test yourself at the start of each of the 4 stages, and then learn a program of special exercises that really focus on waking up all of the important muscles. After doing all the exercises for two weeks, you can retest yourself, and if you can do them all perfectly, you can move onto the next stage.
A lot of girls (and their parents) are understandably scared of what pointe work will do to their feet, and are worried about it being painful. In the past, with badly fitting shoes and often poor strength in the feet, many dancers did get terrible pain and had problems with their feet.
But this is not the case anymore!

This fantastic new program teaches you how to strengthen your feet and body in the shortest space of time. Now that pointe shoes are available in so many different fittings, if your feet are very strong, and the shoes fit well, it is quite possible to dance with little or no pain at all! If you start off knowing what to feel, and how to get the most out of your shoe, you can have a long and happy career dancing on your toes.
In the past, this kind of specific strength only came with years of training, and learning it all the hard way. Thanks to my years of experience in working with dancers and seeing what makes the fastest improvements, this program is now available for you to take advantage of!

Learn To Dance Like The Stars

Learn To Dance The Cha cha

Louis is known for his celebrity dance instruction, and even HE claims that most celebrities LOVE the cha cha. It's fun, it works your body well, and is easy to learn for anyone! Grab your partner, and CHA CHA your way to a healthier body. 

Learn How To Dance The Fox Trot
Learn To Dance FoxTrot
FoxTrot is FOXY! Learn this dance, and you can easily incorporate it into any of the other popular dances. What's better is your love life will also have a new sparkle as you and your partner learn to trot to perfection. 

LearnTo Dance The Jive
The Jive
Do you know how to Jive? This is a fast-paced, very exciting dance to learn! You get to let loose and release all that stress and tension with your partner! Easy to learn and will be a great cardio workout!

LearnTo Dance The Rhumba
The Rhumba
The Rhumba is a very sexy dance and a great waist trimmer! Lose inches on your hips too! This video takes you through all the sexy steps with Louis and Irina, leading the way. Passion is back, and your about to find it again!

Learn To Dance The Salsa
Learn To Dance Salsa!
Salsa is seductive and you'll be dancing closer to your partner than you ever imagined!  Want your partner to remember why they fell in love, learn the Salsa with a mixture of creative footsteps and easy moves! Watch out, this dance screams SEXY!

Learn To Dance The Samba
The Samba
Samba is a great dance to learn if you are going away on vacation soon. This video will have the crowd circling you as you strut your stuff and make your partner look great in the process. The Samba is an amazing energy builder too. 

Learn To Dance The Tango
Learn To Dance Tango
The Tango will give you reason to get off your chair and experience the sexy, seductive moves of this breathtaking dance! Easy to learn, this tango will give you a reason to smile. Others will step aside, to watch you dance this special dance on the dance floor!

Learn To Dance The Waltz
Learn To Dance The Waltz
The Waltz is a softer and more structured dance, it allows room for creativity and will have you gazing into your partners eyes a lot. It's sexy, sensual, and also makes you trim your thighs/hips and overall energy your body produces. 

Tuesday 12 March 2013


"If You Love Ballet As Much As I Do, Read On. I'll 

Share The Secrets Of Successful Ballerinas"

Dear Friend,

Would it benefit you if I could show you how to dramatically 

increase your ballet technique in the shortest time possible?

I have been lucky enough to teach hundreds of aspiring ballet students in the last few years and impart to them the secrets of prima ballerinas and world renowned professional dancers.
But... before I tell you how I can help improve your dancing, let me start off by telling you how I got here and why I am writing this.
It all started at my first ballet class.
I had no idea what to expect but like many others, I always wanted to be a ballerina, so I built up the courage and finally made it to a class. When I arrived I quickly realized everyone else had been dancing at least a couple of years already and here I was, the newbie, standing in the middle of the studio not even sure if I was wearing the correct ballet attire.
My mother had never danced and knew nothing about ballet, so I couldn't ask her for any advice. Like many other mothers, she really wanted to help but she just had no idea know what to do for me. You could only imagine the embarrassement and intimidation I felt as a teenager standing all by myself in the dance studio with all these experienced dancers and caring 110% about what everyone else thought of me.
The teacher must have seen how nervous I was. She came over and started asking me some questions about how I found the studio and what I was looking to get out of ballet class. Being a little old to be starting ballet I got the impression she didn't think I was going to be around very long.
She showed me a few of the basics so I could at least keep up with everyone else before they got into the advanced stuff. She then addressed the entire class and we started our warm-up at the barre.

"Let's Start With Pliés" Called Out The Teacher.

That I could handle. Although I had the gracefulness of an elephant I at least could bend my knees. I only just survived the rest of the barre by watching the others in front of me and trying to mimick them as best as I could.
Then came centre practice with temps lié and pirouettes. Apart from not having a clue what these movements were, I could hardly balance on one foot in a pirouette. The teacher was telling us to snatch our foot to retiré, spot our head, use our arms, relevé right up onto demi pointe and hold our centre tight. This was all a little overwhelming because I didn't know what half of the words she used meant and I was still just getting use to the plié.
Then came allegro and she called out things like battement jetté, changement, and pas de bourrée. I was totally overwhelmed with all this french stuff. My dream of becoming a beautiful ballerina was very quickly fading away.
When I got home after class I burst into tears and felt like giving up. It was just too hard. I could never see myself becoming a beautiful ballerina. I now understood why so many girls drop out of dancing.

Somehow I managed to pull myself together

I returned to ballet class the next week and asked the teacher "What can I buy to help me get better?". She looked at me with a saddened expression on her face and said, "There's nothing currently available that willreally help you improve. You just need to keep on coming to ballet class."
Unsatisfied with that response I nagged mum to buy me books so I could teach myself how to be the ballerina I always wanted to be. To my dissappointment, my teacher was right. I found a few good tips here and there but nothing really made the difference for me.
After not finding anything that could really help me I just kept going to class and I worked hard at improving. I progressed through the ballet syllabus achieving honours in my initial exams and constantly pushing myself to work harder.

I worked SO hard that I achieved the award "Top In Dance" for both my senior years at school.

I kept dancing for years after school and ended up becoming a teacher myself.

Then it happened...

One day one of my ballet students came up to me and asked "Is there anything I can buy to help me get better at ballet?Those words hit me like a tonne of bricks.
This student was just like I once was. She desperately wanted to achieve her dream of becoming a ballerina and knew she needed more than her one class of ballet a week to get there. I realized that without any extra help, it took me over 4 years for things to actually start clicking; To be able to recite the french terms and understand what they mean and to be able to perform any ballet movement without having to think about it.
That night I got out a pen and paper and I started writing. I wrote down all the things I had learnt in my struggle to be the best I could be and all the things that I had learnt while teaching. I knew I had to write a guide that was 'to the point' and contained the inside info that students need to really help them grasp the concepts and understand the movements quickly.
I finished my first draft and I called it The 3 Simple Rules of a Prima Ballerina. Nice and catchy.
I started sharing what I had written with fellow friends and associates but I didn't know what to expect. I had no idea what their reaction would be.
What actually happened I could have never expected.
One of them wrote back to me and said, "Anita, I know about 20 people who need this information. I'm sending them your details right now."
Another said, "Just about every aspiring ballet dancer I know desperately needs the advice in "The 3 Simple Rules of a Prima Ballerina ".  What can I do to help you spread the word?"
I started publishing my guide online and excited responses like these just kept coming in.
What initially started as a written guide for my own students has now turned into an international selling frenzy with more copies being sold everyday to adult beginners, teachers, parents, and of course younger students.
After a few months I sent out an email to my new customers asking for their feedback on my guide and a photo of themselves. These are some of the responses I received in just a few days.
Hi Anita,
I am 19 years old, from Melbourne Victoria. My mum purchased the Ballet Bible for me and WOW… It has changed my whole outlook on dance.
The 3 Simple Rules of a Prima Ballerina is outstanding and my favorite. Now when I am teaching the little ones, I have a better understanding of the technique and terminologies so I am teaching them correctly. So it is not only helping me to become stronger, but the next generation of dancers as well.
Thankyou so much for writing such a wonderful tool. And I look forward to reading and learning more from your next issue.
Kind regards
Tamara Baird.
Jen*Sue Dancers
Dear Anita,
My name is Rachel, I live in WA and I just wanted to say thank you for the 3 simple rules! It's been great for in home practice and breaking down difficult steps.
Everything was well explained and watching steps be demonstrated was a big help. This year I passed my sub elementary ballet exam and got a very pleasing mark. I definitely think that the 3 simple rules gave me the leg up I needed.

Dear Anita,

I just wanted to say a huge thank-you for the help and motivation that the ballet bible has given me - as someone who had taken a few years off from dancing it was at first very daunting trying to catch up, however, the ballet bible provided me with the much needed stepping stones to helping me regain my confidence and technique.

Well done you! I can't wait to see the new edition!

Much thanks & love,

Hi Anita,

The Ballet Bible has helped me regain new ways and strategies to teach my students the ballet technique. I used the ballet bible as a study tool to study for a test to get my certification as a Dance Masters of America teacher in Ballet. It helped me study and review the terminology and positions I needed for the written and verbal/presentation of the tests. Thank you for all the wonderful time and dedication you have put forth into making this wonderful tool for dancers and teachers like myself.

Jessica Roesener-Parkland, Florida

Incorrect Posture (taken from page 28)

Bad Posture 


Bad Posture 


Can you see the faults in these pictures?

Have You Seen Any Other Guide That Bothers To Show You This?

This is so valuable. There are very few resources that help you visualize and understand common mistakes. On page 28 I tell you exactly what's wrong in these examples and I show you exactly how to correctthem in a way that means you will never stand with incorrect posture again.

You May Not Think That There Is Anything Crucially Wrong With The Technique In These Pictures. But In The Ballet World, It's The Difference Between A Good Dancer And a Great Dancer. It's The Difference An Examiner Will See In Your CSTD, RAD, Cechetti etc. Gradings. It's The Difference A Ballet Company Will See When You Audition.

This is just one example. I have dozens more to help you quickly get over the hurdles most dancers never even realize they need to get over.You would be surprised at the number of students who learn bad habits and keep them for life stunting any possibility of them actually progressing to a professional level. In The Ballet Bible - The 3 Simple Rules of a Prima Ballerina I outline exactly what you need to know to start off on the right foot.
Here is an example of an incorrect sequence movement that so many dancers do.

Incorrect Developpé (taken from page 35)

This is an example of an action that is fundamental to all dance styles, not just ballet. If you learn this movement incorrectly you will end up with sloppy technique that transfers into your other movements and huge, ugly thighs in the long run to show for it.

Leg Raising Bad

In The Ballet Bible - The 3 Simple Rules of a Prima Ballerina I unveil the correct methods to many sequence movements. I take you step-by-step through each detail so that you know everything there is to know.

The 3 Simple Rules of a Prima Ballerina offers you more than 200 pages of practical, concrete how-to methods with complete descriptions and explanations founded on solid dancing theory.

  • Would it benefit you to know how to correctly execute movements with precision and speed?

  • Could this kind of information help you and your dancing?

  • How much time and effort would it save if you knew how to do things right the first time?

Here is a small list of some of the things you can expect from The Ballet Bible - The 3 Simple Rules of a Prima Ballerina.
  • Advice on how to succeed as a dancer.
  • What you should look for in a dance teacher - If you don't know what to look for you could end paying good money for bad advice.
  • The History of Ballet - Learn How and Where ballet got it's form and its significance in today's dancing.
  • Ballet Class - From Adage to Pointe. Learn how a class is structured and the significance of each part.
  • French Terminology - How to decipher common words.
  • Incorrect diagrams. See first hand how NOT to perform a movement or stance. No other guide shows you this!
  • Ballet Style - Learn the difference between everyday movement and ballet movement - Includes detailed pictures and explanations!
  • How to make sure you are not weakening your muscles or unbalancing your joints. Many dancers compromise their training with poor habits outside the studio.
  • Classical Ballet Training: From Start to Finish - The method, movements, and technique. You will be blown away at your improvement!
  • Learn the correct way to perform Developpés: Most dancers never learn the correct form and wonder why they can't balance properly and can't do it fast enough.
  • Common Errors - Some dancers struggle again and again with the same things. You will be able to quickly identify your weak points and find out exactly how to correct them.
  • The 6 primary positions of the feet. Where every movement starts and finishes. This is essential training!
  • The 9 Arm Poses - Learn exactly how to perform each pose. You will undoubtedly impress others with your comprehensive knowledge.
  • Detailed Movement Guide - From Plié to Pirouette: Everything including Sur le Coup de Pied, Arabesque, Battement Tendu, Glissé, Jetté to Developpé and Grande Battement.
  • High quality pictures - through each and every step you will be able to see exactly how your body should be positioned for correct form.
  • Styling - Learn how to perform movements with grace and elegance! People will automatically assume you have been dancing for years.
  • Learn how to combine expressive arms with soft flowing hands to make every pose magical.
  • Ever wanted to know how to have total control over your legs as you gracefully perform an arabesque? Now you Can!
  • Learn the best practice exercises to train your leg muscles and prepare you for pointe.
  • Do you know the components of a pointe shoe? Learn how to determine the best pointe shoe for your foot shape.
  • Tying the pointe shoe. Follow step-by-step examples with clear descriptions. You'll be able to do it blind folded in no time at all.
  • How to correctly balance yourself for optimum flexibility and performance. Most dancers never learn and constantly struggle with problems that could so easily be avoided.
  • Why stretching is important. If you know how to use it to drastically increase your performance you'll wonder why everyone else hasn't caught on.
  • Great looking legs can be created - Have you ever seen a ballerina with ugly looking legs?
  • Warming up and cooling down - Do this one extra thing and notice the difference straight away.
  • Improper stretching - Are you stretching incorrectly and actually hindering your performance (You’ll be surprised)
  • Exactly how to convey the right meaning for your specific movement or expression... (You don't want to appear as if you're saying you have big ears when you're just listening).
  • How to pose for maximum impact... learn how to use your whole body so that the audience understands exactly what you are saying without thinking twice.
  • How to develop your own unique style and personality to your mime (Ever notice how some dancers always seem to have that extra added “character” in their performances? That’s because they’re using this technique.)
  • 5 classic stories of love and adventure. These include popular works like "The Nutcracker" and "Sleeping Beauty".
  • Want to rendition your own version of Pierre Gardel's famous play. How to use your new found knowledge of ballet mime.
  • "To the point" recollections. You won't be bored with uninteresting detail while you fall asleep.

Here's How You Can Get

The Ballet Bible - The 3 Simple 

Rules of a Prima Ballerina For 

Yourself And Experience a Dramatic 

Improvement In Your Dancing Like 

Hundreds Before You!


“The Easiest and Most Effective Way To Learn Belly Dancing Online!” - Entertainment Weekly

"Finally, Here's The System To Help Anyone Learn Belly Dancing From Home and Guarantees Results withOne-On-One Private Coaching..."

Now ANYONE Can Learn To Belly Dance Easily From Home! Go From Beginner To Expert With Over 50 Step-By-Step Videos With Private Coaching That Beats All Other Belly Dancing Classes!

Date: Tuesday, March 12.
From: The Desk of Mariella Monroe

Professional Belly Dancer & Certified Trainer 

Imagine being able to move your body with grace & confidence like a seasoned belly dancer easily and in a shortest time WITHOUT paying for expensive lessons or getting self-conscious in live classes.
Now you can.. and you can do it from home, in weeks not years without wasting money, time and effort on traditional dancing schools.

 Possibly the fastest way for anyone to master belly dancing. And you can do it all from the privacy of your home
- Cosmopolitan Magazine, 2012
A Little Background -- And The BIG Problem...
sexy belly dancerMy name is Mariella Monroe and I've been dancing professionally for almost 18 years. I've performed for audiences around the globe in places such as Dubai, Egypt and Asia. I currently run a belly dancing studio at Sacramento California.
The truth is, I often see new students get self-conscious and frazzled in live classes. What's more, many quit due to the inconvenience of travelling to classes or a hectic lifestyle that leaves them with no time.
So here's what I realized: Wouldn't it be great if there is a complete jam-packed INTENSIVE course that teaches students the basics to advanced techniques of belly dancing...from home?
See, I went to purchase almost every belly dancing DVD lessons and have discovered a big problem. Sadly, most courses available suffer from the following:
Covers only a specific style with limited workout routines
One-dimensional teaching that leaves more questions than answers
Teaches only a couple of basic moves thus lacking in depth
Lack of multiple camera shots. You don't get to see every angle like in a real class.
Omits the most important aspect of belly dancing; combinations and fluid movement
And if you're just starting out, let me tell you I know how frustrating it is, because I personally had gone through the same experience years ago.
Well, luckily for you, these problems become a blessing in disguise. Over the past 5 years, through a long process of trial, error and experimentation, I have developed the most comprehensive ALL-IN-ONE course that teaches you EVERYTHING you ever need to know about belly dancing.
BellyDancingCourse "Masterclass" system is very simple...
    belly dancing classes
    The entire program consists of over 50 videos with a total runtime of 8 hours, systematically teaching all major types of bellydance steps and combinations that leaves nothing to the imagination. It's the most jam-packed and intensive belly dancing course you'll ever experience.
  • 50 videos with a total running time of 8 hours of in-depth lessons
  • Step-by-step bellydance instruction program presented in an easy-to-follow format
  • 3 different teachers covering 5 major styles of belly dancing.
  • Suitable for BOTH beginners and seasoned dancers.
  • Learn over 40 isolated body movements, each visually demonstrated and verbally described, with on-screen visual aids.
  • All basic moves are covered in the first 2 hours so you will be up and running quickly.
  • Clearly see all movements from multiple viewing angles, including full-body & up-close views. Then perform fluid combinations of the moves you've learned!

BellyDancingCourse"The Ultimate Masterclass"

So What Makes This The #1 Belly Dancing Course?
1. Over 50 Videos (8 Hours) of Dancing Moves, Combinations, Layers & Techniques 
Learn to love and move your body with grace & confidence with over 50 videos spanning over 8 hours of step-by-step instructions. The first 2 hours covers basic moves and rest covers advanced combinations, expert techniques and little-know tips to empower you to move and dance like a professional!
2. Fun, Engaging, Step By Step and Easy To Follow Video Instructions
Each segment breaks down, explains and drills the basic bellydancing moves and an easy-to-grasp step sequence that shows how to use it. The movement starts slowly, then progresses to full speed. It covers the mechanics of basic movements, demonstrates where those fundamentals will take you with variations and layers, and has a short routine at the beginning of the video.
3. Different Teachers - 5 Dance Styles
With 3 different teachers, you'll get to experience various teaching styles and level of difficulty. This course covers 5 different dances styles to make this the most complete course on the market:
  • American Cabaret
  • Egyptian Oriental
  • U.S. Tribal
  • Gothic & Tribal Fusion
  • Turkish Didem

4. Excellent For Beginners & Advanced Dancers!
The entire course is perfect for beginners or more seasoned dancers looking for a review of technique. Every segment and move is broken down into parts with advanced combination movement at the end of each video for seasoned dancers. 
5. Innovative Fast-Track Method & Award Winning Production
This high-caliber package has earned accolades for Mariella's clear and supportive teaching style, her attention to solid technique, as well as for its exceptional production quality. With the innovative fast-track method of teaching beginners and the supportive, nurturing style, this takes you from basic to advanced combinations in the very first hour.
6. Includes A Great Selection Of Belly Dance Music & Rhythms
Get over 1 hour of amazing audio featuring beautiful music of widely acclaimed global recording artists. This is the perfect accompaniment to the video training!
7. Instant Access To Videos 
You'll get INSTANT lifetime access to all the videos in our members area with one-on-one video chat/email support with Mariella. Why waste time waiting for the mail to arrive when you can get started within minutes! You also have the option to get all the videos on DVDs if you desire.

How To Shake Your Booty.

Ready to have the Most Fun & get Sexy Fitness Results with Dancing?

How to Shake Your BootyHave the Most Fun, Get Sexy Fitness Results & Step into Confidence & Pleasure with your Body with “How to Shake Your Booty in 30 Days!”
New Dancers, Dance-Lovers and Dance Instructors love dancing withTheresa Stevens, a “Booty-Shaking Queen,” and an excellent teacher!
Now you can too with my instant access Dance Videos! 
Theresa Stevens
Your Most Fun Dancing with my Booty Shakin’ Secrets
Why is “How to Shake Your Booty in 30 Days” so effective?
The secret is my proven Hip Dance Technique, which works your core muscles, inner thighs, and quads and hamstrings to:
Release your Hips for maximum movement and pleasure
Strengthen your Core Muscles to build sexy hot posture
Firm your butt and thighs, to give you a Samba Booty!
Theresa combines hip and booty Macro moves, shaking everything your Momma gave you Micro moves, and the elegant hip & booty-shaking beauty of Samba to help you have the most fun, get the best fitness results, and feel confident & sexy in your body when you Dance!
Real Results
Susan success storyBefore I met Theresa, I felt stiff while dancing. I wanted to get more moves in during my fast-paced Zumba classes, learn more about the sexy Samba, as well as lose a bit of weight. Since dancing with Theresa, I can move faster, I feel more fluid in my movements, I lost several pounds, and I have more range of motion in my body. Feeling more sexy and alive was an added benefit.” –Susan
Hip Technique
Most Dance Teachers explain, “just move your Hips like this!”
New and Long-time Dancers and Dance Instructors love my Program because I break down exactly which muscles to engage and which muscles to Release in order toDance with your Hips & Free Your Booty when you Dance! That’s why I’m known as a Booty Shakin’ Expert!
Connect with your CoreHip Technique engages your core muscles–these are the layers of muscles in your abdominal cavity, and they’re directly attached to your pelvic bone and hips. Learn how to connect with your core muscles when you Dance to get the maximum amount of movement from your Hips!
It’s all about bending your knees and learning how to dance from a seated position. When you do this, you’ll engage your core muscles to build sexy hot posture, work your thigh muscles to burn fat in your body, and release your hips to maximize your booty-shaking fun!
Lauren's Booty-Shaking Success Story
Feel Sexy and Confident while you’re Dancing!
“After dancing with Theresa for a few days in a row, I was surprised that my body started moving in ways that I never thought it could move before. It was exciting and it felt good. And it’s not just while I am doing the dance videos—when I am out in my real life, I feel like I am holding myself differently, walking differently,just more free and feminine and beautiful. And that is definitely a testament to the videos and Theresa.” –Lauren

If you're looking for a way to lose weight which does not follow the diet and weight lifting formula, Therea Stevens has a suggestion for you. She is a dancer who specializes in Brazilian Samba and she believes that this is the way for women to finally succeed to lose weight. The Shake Your Booty in 30 Days program (also known as Lose Weight by Dancing) is her dancing plan to get you moving, burning calories, connect to the dancer within you, and get fit and firm.
This is an online plan so you don't get actual DVDs sent to you. You watch the dance DVDs online on your computer or mobile device and follow along. This is not like other "fitness dance" videos you may have seen because this is actual dancing. Stevens actually teaches you how to do the Samba with clear instructions and choreography segments in which she explains the various moves. She even includes a video in which she teaches you how to create your own Samba costume.
So, the How to Shake Your Booty in 30 Days program isn't all about losing weight. It's also about the joy of dancing. In fact, Stevens stresses the fact that she wants you to have fun while losing weight. For her, dancing was the way in which she finally managed to drop pounds and get thin.
If you like dancing and want to learn to "move your body" Samba style, Stevens appears to be a great teacher and certainly is enthusiastic. This can be a way for you to get some exercise if you don't like lifting weights and going to the gym. You can simply watch the dancing videos at home and get a great workout with full privacy.
However, I do believe that you need to do more than just dance in order to lose weight. I do advocate doing some strength exercises as they help to tone your body and boost metabolism. In addition, your diet is of the utmost importance, something which doesn't get adequate attention in the Shake Your Booty In 30 Days. Make sure to eat healthy if you decide to use this program.
You are the only one who can say whether this program is for you. If you like dancing and want to learn Samba, go ahead and get this plan, if dancing isn't your thing, you probably need another plan.

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